Editing and Proofreading

Editing and Proofreading in Dubai

Achieving your goals begins with strong writing skills. Ideal Legal Translation provides professional business editing and proofreading distinguish yourself from others with our grammar editing services. Proofreading will help you produce your best-written work while you learn how to convey your ideas succinctly. Experienced proofreaders prepare translation using the “track changes” function within Microsoft Word. This function allows you to move easily between changes, and accept any or all modifications proposed by the proofreader. Corrections, suggestions, and comments are shown in the margins and are easily integrated into your translated document. During the proofreading process, particular attention will be given to typos and grammatical errors, style consistency, formatting, and term accuracy – with constant reference to the original document. 

Ideal Legal editing and proofreading in Dubai include also:

  • Correcting spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors
  • Checking for problems in parallelisms, tense, and conjugations
  • Eliminating improper language and poor word choice
  • Making your document sound natural and professional
  • Confidentiality of the translation.



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